24/7 Emergency


Our dental office specializes in handling dental emergencies all day, 7 days a week.

Our dental office can provide emergency service outside of regular business hours, 7 days a week, with our “on call” team, by appointment only. Depending on the day or time, or if the office is closed, there may be an after-hours emergency fee to have the team come in and open the office. 

We understand that you may normally see your regular dentist if you have dental concerns. If your dentist is unavailable, or you need after hours dental care, we are here to help! 

Insurance: Our office is not contracted with insurance companies which means we are unable to accept dental insurance at this time and payment is due at the time of service.

Questions Your Emergency Dentist Will Need You to Answer: 

  1. What is the nature of your dental emergency?

  2. When did it start?

  3. Is there any swelling?

  4. What is the degree of the pain, on a scale of 1-10?

  5. Are you having any hot or cold sensitivity?

  6. What medications are you taking? Antibiotics? Pain killers?

  7. Have you had any recent dental treatment?

Schedule a telehealth consultation with your dentist ASAP to guide you in these scenarios:

If your tooth is Broken or Knocked Out:
An injured tooth may begin to die within 15 to 30 minutes after trauma. This is the reason it is important to see a dentist right away. We have a few tips to help you in case you have a dental accident, which may make a difference in saving a tooth versus losing a tooth.  

If you break a tooth:
Rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to reduce any swelling, then see a dentist right away. If you can find the broken part of your tooth, be sure to take it with you.

If your tooth is knocked out:
Do not touch the root of the tooth, if possible.  Hold the tooth by the top and do not rinse it or remove any attached tissue. If you can, carefully re-insert the tooth into its socket and gently hold it in place. If that's not possible, put it in a cup of milk or hold it between the cheek and gums so it doesn't dry out. See a dentist or call us as soon as possible.